The Estate of H. Keith Crosby
8955 Douthat Road State Park Road, Millboro, VA 24460
Saturday November 19th, 2022, at 10:00 AM
GUNS: H&R Model 904 .22, Phoenix Arms Model HP22 .22, KelTec PMR 30, Garcia Sporting Arms .38 Special, Taurus International “The Judge”, Marlin Model 25MN Rifle, .22 Rifle, Remington Firearms CoModel 870 Magnum “Wingmaster”
HEAVY EQUIPMENT: 2006 John Deere 110 Backhoe with 4 Way Bucket and Forks
Serial# W00110T00821, w/ 1905 Hrs., 2005 Equipment Pro 20” Dovetail Steel Deck Trailer VIN# 5L2FS18236E00213, EverRide Hornet riding Mower.
VEHICLES: 2009 Yamaha FJR1300 with 35,0698 Mi., 2007 SuzukiBurgman Scooter 13,201 Miles
WOOD WORKING EQUIPMENT: Delta Saw Buck Compound Miter Saw w/ 12” Table with wheels Cuts 12” Wide Boards at 45° Angles (Including Crown Molding), Rockwell 36” Lathe w/ Multiple Heads and Knives, Delta Platinum Edition 5HP “Unisaw” Table Saw with 50” Table, Grizzly Model G1026 12 AMP 240 Volt 60 HZ 3450 RPM 3HP Wood Shaper and Stock feeder, Grizzly 8” Joiner Model G-108, Delta Model Number14-650 Hollow Chisel Mortiser, Bosch Router, Central Dust Vacuum, Computerized Wood Kiln with (2) 220V Delmhorst Circulating Fans, Delmhorst Moisture Meter and Dehumidifier.
TOOLS: Milwaukee Worm Drive 8 ¼ Saw, (2) Sets of Scaffolding, Brad Nailer, Work Lights, Ryobi Pressure Washer, Kobalt Wrenches, Stihl036 Pro Chain Saw, Stihl 046 Magnum Chain Saw, Rigid 6HP Shop Vacuum, Hitachi Belt Sander, Makita Electric Sharpener, Hammers, Hand Saws, Hand Planers, (5) Heavy Duty Metal Tool Cabinets, 150 Wood Clamps,