- 320 E. Chestnut Street Covington (map)
2009 Chevrolet Cobalt; 4-door, 63,000 miles, AC, RUNS GREAT!!!
Oak drop-leaf tables; window glass; sander; jigsaw; grinder; swivel wood table with lamp and magnifying glass; misc. axes and hand tools; assorted lamps; misc. baskets; like-new motorcycle helmets; wheelbarrow; misc. glassware and glass collectibles; metal display rack; shelving units; folding tables; applebutter kettle; Troy-Bilt chipper/shredder; chainsaws; Browning compound bow (new in box); Poulan leaf blower; air tank; vintage postal scale; Jason telescope (new in box); display cases; window air conditioning unit; Simplicity rear-tine tiller; King Toldo 10’x20’ canopy tent (new in box); Earthquake 2-cycle tiller; 8’ extension ladder; step-ladder; 1¼ ton jack; 10’x20’ pole tent; misc. wood pieces; mannequin-style dress form; kerosene cook stove Western Electric wooden typewriter box; antique wood crate; antique churn; 8-gallon Blue Crown crock; framed railroad prints; misc. drills and electric tools; quilt racks; Loth’s antique tank heater (manufactured in Waynesboro, Va.); misc. cast iron; vintage clock with weights; costume jewelry; misc. birdhouses, AND MUCH MORE!!!