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One-of-a-Kind Investment Property • Antiques Lewisburg, WV

  • 218 Chestnut Street Lewisburg, WV, 24901 United States (map)

One-of-a-Kind Investment Property • Antiques

Lewisburg, WV

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REAL ESTATE: This unique home was built in 1909 and has been added on to over the years to create a very nice place to raise a family. The 3,593 square foot home features 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, a large kitchen, dining room and living room and a great basement for the woodworker or tinkerer in your family. The home is connected to municipal water and sewer and has central heating and air conditioning.

COLLECTIBLES, ANTIQUES, FURNITURE, TOOLS: Numerous Hallmark ornaments; 2 antique s-roll desks; vintage Christmas decorations; Noritake China; crafting supplies; Amberina glass; copper tea kettles; antique chest; vintage tea cart; Gone with the Wind lamp; antique wagon seat; crocks; vintage mercantile candy dishes; oil lamps; Robert Tuckwiller prints; Empire-style sideboard; Fenton Bell; Greenbrier Military School glass set; antique Donald Duck toy; Hummel figurines; cowbells; antique metal toys; Cambridge glass; Wedgewood China; Audrey Hepburn collectible doll; craft supplies; drill gun; Goofus glass; misc. tools; vintage safe; Craftsman belt sander; quilt drying rack; model kits; numerous N-Gauge model trains and model train accessories; antique Tom Thumb toy cash register; Fenton bride’s bowl; Spode Buttercup; weed eaters; golf clubs; bedroom furniture; antique scythes and MUCH, MUCH MORE!!!