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Antiques/Real Estate/Collectibles at Auction (Copy)

  • 3539 Evelyn Drive Salem, VA, 24153 United States (map)

Real Estate, Antiques, Furniture, Tools

Salem, VA

Browning Auction Brochure-1.jpg


This 1,742 square-foot, ranch-style home, located in a beautiful neighborhood, features three bedrooms, 1½ baths (ADA compliant) and sits on a 0.3-acre lot. It has a large den with fireplace and a large kitchen and the basement is perfect for the woodworker, handyman or tinkerer in the family! You really have to see this property to appreciate everything that it can offer you and your family.


Furniture: Lowrey organ; like-new lift chair; television and stand; leather chair with ottoman; vintage curved-back wingback chair; vintage rocking chair; sofa, formal living room chairs; drop-leaf dining room table with four chairs and built-in Lazy Susan; handcrafted corner hutch; buffet with hutch; corner shelving unit; queen bedroom suite with armoire, dresser with mirror and bedside table; cedar hope chest; vanity table; Antiques: 1950s lamps; Blue Crown 6-gallon crock; Blue Heart 5-gallon crock; vintage milk can; antique silver coffee percolator; African wooden salad utensils; metronome; copper tea kettle; vintage Cutie Patootie pull-cord clown; vintage stuffed monkey; antique railroad spikes; handcrank Tiger blacksmith blower; vintage soda bottles; antique metal dachshund; metal blow torches; handcrank meat grinder; antique GE AM/FM radio; cast iron kettle; vintage toaster; 4-gallon milk can with lid; glass-front antique display case; Hi-Fi speakers, record players and 8-track player; antique camera equipment; reel-to-reel tapes; misc. crocks; oil lamps; vintage Rockwell belt sander; miner’s oil-wick lamp; ERTL vintage toy dumptruck; antique EMS rescue toboggan with LL Bean pad; Collectibles: Hull pottery; lots of misc. glassware; mini shooting balls and arrowheads; numerous figurines; 1918 Ford Runabout die cast metal car and misc. die cast cars; Tools: Delta jigsaw; Homecraft jigsaw; electric grinder; misc. vintage handtools; toolboxes and misc. wrenches; misc. handtools; sawdust extractor; coal shovel and yard tools; milk glass lamps; Misc:Various hymn books; decorative metal vases; wall sconces; various-sized baskets; grapevine wall hangings; numerous paintings and framed prints; rooster wall hanging; jewelry box; misc. kitchen utensils; humidifier; new set of 5 board games in box; camera tripods; drop-leaf kitchen island; several boxes of Mason jars; steamer trunks.